
CA Simardeep Saluja

My mother said to me, about 10 years ago, that, “If you’re in for the stars, you will reach the sky” and I say sky is the limit. My story goes like…I never wanted to be a chartered accountant but my father was one. So, I was naturally and consciously pressured into being one. My true desire was to be a fashion designer. However, like life, my journey too had its ups and downs. To them it was strange and new. Just like any other new change, this too required time to be accepted and get on board with.


For 5 years, I worked quite hard in my academia, doing law and pursuing chartered accountancy. Nevertheless, in the middle of It all, I simultaneously started working on my dream by starting my own fashion brand that is Classique. Nowadays, it has been doing amazing. It has sprawled its boundaries all over the world. It is for this brand that I got connected to clients residing in US, Canada, Australia and of course, India.

Although, I have excelled at Law and Chartered Accountancy, my passion is to take my business to the next level. Moreover, my family seems to be in accord with plans as well and wants to see me achieving new heights. I managed to fulfil their desire that was me completing my Chartered Accountancy. Now, I look after my business along with my father’s office. That is not the end. I am learning and getting into about new ventures. I’ve started on a pet wear brand around 6 months back. By December 2021, we planning to embark on a journey of women’s wear brand.

Society and community were always mocking me and throwing several tantrums at me and my choice of career. “Good for nothing”, “putting money into drains”, “useless”, “distracted”, “too much outgoing” were the clauses that were easily and usually said to me and my parents for me. However, now that I have walked my talk, they do have a finger on their lips. For the society and humanity, during the dire times of Covid, I volunteered as a helper and worked to provide aid to the needy, I offered my service to the NGOs. Within my means, I did my best and for it also got recognised in the society. It helped me establish myself as a human being. I lend credits to almighty, my family and all my well-

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wishers for believing in me in the times when my dreams were even precarious to me.

My advice to the strugglers or starters is to be dedicated towards your goal. No matter what may come. Care more about your dreams than about societal expectations of you. Do not look back and streamline them. Never compare yourself and your rate of growth to anyone else’s. Be yourself and embrace your achievements no matter how small or big they stand.

Moreover, I highly encourage people to keep short term goals for long term success. Take small steps one by one. Do not expect success overnight. Just like a plant, little by little you will grow. Do mind mapping and planning. You will get where you put your mind to be.